madman101 Oct 03, 2022 04:53
humour - jokes, countries - iran, funny - and see humour/ my funny, queen elizabeth 2
madman101 Aug 06, 2016 19:40
corruption, psychic / psychic realm, presidents - trump donald trump, lies / lying / liar liars, history - 2016 iran prisoner swap, countries - iran, all * consciousness, 70 deadly sins - lies/ lying/ deceit
madman101 Oct 13, 2011 18:43
music - musical trends, mathematics - predictive models, predictions and prophesies, my predictions and prophesies, foundation for economic trends, art - trends in art, economy - economic trends, economy - banksters/ banksterism/ agenda, +++, environ - climate models/ predictions, all * trends / predictions, money-changers i.e. gangster banksters, countries - iran, economics - wealth inequality, social trends / pop trends, trends / global trends, war * / wars / war and peace, prophesy - and see predictions and proph, politics - political trends/annalysis, cain - herman